Pediatrics and Thoracic Surgery Locum Tenens Opportunity Near HORSHAM, PA
- Specialties: Pediatrics - Cardiology, Thoracic Surgery - Congenital Cardiac Surgery
- Department: St. Christopher's Pediatric Associates
- Start Date: 05-30-2024
- End Date: Ongoing
- Requested Providers: 1
- Provider Type: Physician
- Request Type: Locum Tenens
- Coverage Type: Call Only
- EMR System: Epic
- Facility Accepts Multiple Providers: Yes
- Practice Setting: Inpatient
- Is Both Inpatient and Outpatient Required?: No
- Does Provider Require Hospital/Surgery Center Privileges?: No
- Admissions Required?: Yes
- Are Temporary Privileges Available?: Yes
- Is Hospital Stroke Certified?: No
- Patients Per Shift: Varies
- Bed In Department: 0
- Rounding: Both
Practice Details
- Board Certification Requirement: Certified
- Fellowship: N/A
- Minimum Board Certification: The Following Certification Are Required
- ABLS: No
- ACLS: No
- ATLS: No
- BLS: No
- PALS: Yes
- Estimated Credentialing Timeframe (Days): 60-90 days
Description/Other Details
Locums with a PA license will be given preference, but the team will consider non-PA licensed bids for ongoing support.
- Assignment Type: Call coverage only
- Surgical Assignments: No assigned surgeries during the assignment, but post-op care or emergent surgeries may be required.
- Provider Requirement: Board-certified pediatric cardiovascular surgeon.
- Call Responsibilities: Trauma-related cardiac injuries, general cardiovascular-related questions, and admissions.
Additional Information:
This locum tenens opportunity near HORSHAM, PA, offers a chance to join a dynamic team dedicated to providing exceptional pediatric cardiology and thoracic surgery care. As a physician provider, you will play a vital role in delivering high-quality medical services to our patients.
We offer a supportive work environment and competitive compensation package. Join us in making a positive impact on patient outcomes in our community.
Job ID: J-215789
Note: The specific facility name and contact information have been intentionally omitted to maintain confidentiality.